Monthly Archives: January 2018

Rachel’s Junior Infant Chefs

Rachel’s Junior Infant Chefs
Rachel's Junior Infants have been busy learning about The Restaurant this month and the role of the Chef. We are very lucky to have a mom that works as a chef in Dromoland Castle!  Danusha came into LETS to show all…

Dorothy DoLittle’s Puppet Show

Dorothy DoLittle’s Puppet Show
All classes from infants to second class went to the hall on Tuesday to watch a puppet show about a girl called Dorothy and her amazing adventures. It was great fun and the children learned …

New Garden Area

New Garden Area
We are delighetd with our new trees and hedging that have been planted in our school grounds. We are especially delighted with our new poly tunnel and raised beds. This will allow our children to…

Simon Community Food Collection

Simon Community Food Collection
We had a great response to our Simon Community Food collection. Well done to all our families who sent  in some food for the collection. All the food collected was distributed directly to families in…

Hot Chocolate Treat

Hot Chocolate Treat
Ellen's Senior Infants had a lovely treat in their classroom. They made hot chocolate and it was delicious. They also did a colourful display outside their classroom and shared the recipie with all the school.